5 Common Mistakes in Soccer Technique and How to Fix Them

Sep 01, 2024By bernard brannigan
bernard brannigan

Poor Ball Control

One of the most common mistakes in soccer technique is poor ball control. Whether it's first touch or dribbling, being unable to manage the ball effectively can lead to turnovers and missed opportunities. To improve your ball control, practice drills that focus on different parts of your foot. Juggling, dribbling through cones, and wall passes can significantly enhance your touch.

soccer practice

Fix: Focused Drills

Incorporate drills that force you to use both your dominant and non-dominant foot. Spend at least 15-20 minutes each day on these exercises. Over time, you'll notice a marked improvement in your ability to control the ball under pressure.

Incorrect Passing Technique

Another frequent mistake is incorrect passing technique. This can lead to inaccurate passes and lost possession. The key to a good pass is the combination of accuracy and timing. Make sure to keep your eyes on your target and use the inside of your foot for better control.

soccer passing

Fix: Passing Drills

Engage in passing drills with a partner or against a wall. Focus on short, crisp passes and gradually increase the distance as you improve. Remember to keep your non-kicking foot pointed towards your target for better accuracy.

Poor Shooting Form

Poor shooting form is a mistake that can cost you goals. Common errors include leaning back, not following through, and striking the ball with the wrong part of the foot. To fix this, focus on your body positioning and follow-through.

Fix: Shooting Practice

Spend time practicing your shots from different angles and distances. Make sure to plant your non-kicking foot beside the ball and follow through with your kicking foot. Aim for the corners of the goal to improve your accuracy.

soccer shooting

Weak Defensive Stance

A weak defensive stance can make it easy for opponents to get past you. Many players stand too upright or fail to position themselves correctly, making it difficult to react quickly. To improve your defensive stance, focus on staying low and keeping your weight on the balls of your feet.

Fix: Defensive Drills

Practice one-on-one defensive drills to improve your stance and reaction time. Work on staying low, keeping your eyes on the ball, and using your body to block the opponent's path. These drills will help you become a more effective defender.

Lack of Communication

Lack of communication is a mistake that can lead to confusion and missed opportunities on the field. Good communication helps to coordinate plays, alert teammates of potential threats, and maintain team cohesion. Make it a habit to constantly talk to your teammates during the game.

soccer teamwork

Fix: Communication Exercises

Incorporate communication exercises into your training sessions. Play small-sided games where verbal communication is a must. Encourage your teammates to call out plays, positions, and warnings. Over time, this will become second nature and improve your overall team performance.